Saturday, November 10, 2012

Big D v. Offenisve Innovation

The big story in the NFL this week does not concern Brady or the Mannings, nor even God's Chosen Team the Dallas Cowboys, nor the Best Team in the NFL the forty-niners, nor the Cheesiest Team in Green Bat, nor, not even the greatest Rookie QB in NFL History Luck of the Colts.

No the Big story in the NFL the game to watch is between the Bad Boys of the Midway -- Da Bears and the upstart yes that other team from football frenzied Texas the Texans themselves.

Da Bears have arguably the best defense int he NFL.  Going into this weeks game against the Texans, the Chicago Bears offense ranks 25th in total offense with just over 325 yards per game.  Their defense ranks 24th in total offense, yes that's right.  so, how will the Texans beat them.

Well the Texans have a different kind of offense.  It's not exactly west coast and not exactly a throw back type Lombardi simplistic, but it is different during this era of explosive big pass plays the Texans rely on something fundamentally different. 

What makes their offense innovative and different is their reliance on a pro-bowl offensive line roatating players and, of course, Adrian Fisher.  Fisher already has 770 yards this year as the work horse for the 7 and 1 Texans.  He rushes with a great offensive line.  And let's face it in spite of what we see on Televisions in spite of the endorsement deals in spite of the notoriety of the Mannings, the Lucks, the Youngs and who's that guy in San Francisco, in spite of the big name marquee QBs it is offensive lines that win games. Quarterbacks have a hard time acheiving with a mediocre offensive line. The Raiders, firty-niners and Browns have all gone through the rebuilding necessary to be competitive in the NFL this rebuilding begins with the offensive line the foundation of any great team.  The Texans succes is grounded or anchored by a great offensive line with a great runner.

But instead of accepting these as a limitation, the Texans have built on this.  They have implemented an innovative offense that includes sequencing of run plays with similar blocking patterned lanes and back routes.  These sequences in turn have play-action passing plays sequenced in. The power of this is that will keep defenses off-balance, even such a high powered high pursuit defense featured by Da Bears.

The NFL has needed a major innovation since the rise of linebacker play in answer to the west cost offense, the next logical move is to counter the new size speed and versatility of the linebacker play with a running offnese using pass plays built of the run.  Play action passing game particularly in the red zone has been a staple of tradition offenses and will remain so, but we see more and more teams like the Giants running sequences of running plays and popping in the play action pass from the red zone for 6.

Now the Texans have taken this to a new level by structuing an offense anchored by a solid line and powered by an excellent runner and building play action passes off the running plays.

We shall see but this strategy should catch on in the NFL and certainly defeat Da Bears today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Give the ball to CC

Let's face it CC Sabathia is the only chance that the New York Yankees have for winning at least one game from the Detroit Tigers in the best of seven American League Championship Series.
If CC can pitch the way he has the lst few weeks of the regular season and against the Orioles in the ALDS then the Yankees can avoid a sweep.
The once upon a time Bronx Bombers will only have to score 2 or 3 runs with Sabathia pitching a complete game, or wait CC is certainly capable of pitching a complete game shut out so only 1 run will be needed.  Since Derek Jeter is out for the rest of the playoffs; CC, Raul Ibanez and Ichiro; would appear to be the only Yankees that have showed up for the playoffs this year.  The rest save for Andy Pettitte himself the leader in post season victories are well "Just happy to be their."
Perhaps Eli Mannig could take a bat, at least he might be able to swing and hit something besides air.
AROD well, AROD is being AROD again, "Just happy to be enjoying the limelight" whether or not he is actually in the lineup.
No, for AROD the playoffs are about media coverage and the opportunity to increase his endorsement money. Not about actually producing -- playing baseball which he is paid and paid more than anybody else to do.  But then they are the Yankees and they can afford him.  Or can they?
Can the Yankees afford AROD.  30 million dollars -- the amount the Yankees are paying AROD to do whatever it is he does with a number 13 on his back -- the Ynakees certainly can afford to pay.
But AROD comes with another price tag.  The price of a well shall we actually use the word the "L" word.  Is it time that we call AROD what he really is a high priced well "athlete" with a certain attitude?  Or maybe a better description is the "Q" word.  For after all in athletics at any level there are worse things than being labeled a "Loser."
In athletics anyone can put forth the effort consistently and come up short. Some may ultimately be vindicated like the Elway Broncos, a team that ended up in the Super Bow several times and putting forth the effort and coming up short until they finally put it together twice.  They never well quit.
AROD is another story. Is AROD the worst thing in athletics a a a  ... well a quitter?  You can decide, let us have a look.   probably if adjusted for inflation

Alex Rodriquez gets paid more money than anyone in history (reflect on that for a moment more than Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, Ty Cobb, Sandy Koufax, Nolan Ryan, Cy Young, Ted Williams, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Reggie Jackson, and Pete Rose and probably if adjusted for inflation makes more money this year than all of the above players made their entire careers to play ball) so why isn't he playing ball?

Rodriguez, only 3 for 23 in this postseason, had been left out of the starting lineup twice and pulled for a pinch hitter three times in the playoffs.
"I'm not happy about it. Obviously, you come to the ballpark feeling you can help the team win. When you see your name is not in the lineup, it's obviously disappointing," Rodriguez said Wednesday night. "You've got to accept being a cheerleader and also make sure that you're ready when you're number's called."
He has $114 million and five years remaining on his contract — and a no-trade clause.

Read more:

He got his ring, he can take it and go.  We are tired of him in New York and the rest of us Yankee fans around the horn.  He can take his money and run. Yankee fans are a lot of things all over the country, loud and passionate, obnoxious, arrogant etc. I am sure the plethora of Yankee haters can add to the list, but two things we are not "losers or quitters."  To be blunt AROD just doesn't fit in.  He is not a Yankee, heck he's not even a Red Sock -- all those years under the curse of the bamabino, but they never quit; and eventually during the AROD era they triumphed.

So just what is a Yankee?  Perhaps it is a player who fractures his foot against Baltimore in the playoffs and nobody even knew it until after continuing too hit and field and hit in the clutch he was carried off the filed and now has to watch the AROD era which happens to coincide with his own era come to an end from the sidelines.  No, they had to pry the bat out of Derek Jeter's hands.  A man who accepted less money in this time to stay with the team he was brought up in, a man who during the 2001 post season, after 9/11 brought devastation to his city and so many emergency workers Firefighters and police officers gave their very lives to do their jobs jobs for which they are paid much less than those who play a little boy's game dove head first into the stands sacrificing his own body for these brave men to catch a ball coming out bloodied but making the catch.  A man who during that same post season like so many of the emergence workers from that time 9/11 showed up out of nowhere to make a play at home plate and put us in the the world series.
I feel like the last of the AROD fans. Who'd a thunk it.  Say it ain't so Alex, say IT AIN'T SO!
A loser, but worse than that as proved so far in this postseason "Yankee Time" a quitter.
So, AROD it's time to go. Please take the money and run.
But to day is about CC our hope in this boy's game that means so much to many of us.  so, many thrills so much pride the Yankee swagger not even a swagger really just get to the post season and get it done.  The Tigers are worthy opponents they are young experienced and they can play. Dang they have the triple crown winner. a money pitcher in Verlander. And they beat us last year.  who remembers the last out in that series, yes AROD bat on his shoulder taking strike three.
But CC is up for it he is always up for it.  He is clutch too.  A man who plays a little boy's game and wants the ball when it's lights out. A winner, who will not quit. Give him the ball and then hand it to Andy tomorrow. 
Maybe CC will wake up Grandy and Cano too and maybe with AROD out of the line up, just maybe the New York Yankees will shake it off and remember who they are. Bigger than the Dallas cowboys, "America's Team" with fans worldwide.
End the AROD era..
Give the ball to CC